Jon Hoskins of Ocean Shores, Washington posted an update in the Beta Testing group
Beta Testing – BUGS December 22, 2016 @ 10:15 am
Created the sub group “Audiophile” under “Arts & Music”. The platform insists on appending ” 1″ to the name of the subgroup. Is this intended, with purpose, or a bug? Is there a way to remove the addition?
Hi John, that was actually on purpose. Based on the Activity record (the ‘Feed’ on the first Social/Groups page), I see you first created the group ‘Audiophile’ (i.e., you successfully created the group without a “1” appended). Then you created it again, and the system automatically appended ‘-1’. I don’t anticipate this happening often, but IF another user wanted to create the exact same group name (for whatever reason), this would allow them to do so (but with the appendage). Facebook uses the exact same methodology, so we followed it. BUT…since I see it was you who was adding the second group with the same name, I changed the database record to reflect that the first group, run by you, is ‘Audiophile’, and can be found at “https://pantheism.com/groups/audiophile/ “. Thanks for getting involved early!
Thanks Charles! I actually experienced this with my FIRST attempt at making the group as well. I wondered if I had accidentally missed the opportunity to correct it so I deleted the group and gave it another go. To be clear, both attempts ended with the ” 1″ appendage.
Hi @jon_hoskins, can you please tell me what platform you were using to create the original post, above (beginning with “Created the sub group”)? Were you on a mobile device? I’m trying to pinpoint when the quote marks are posting with an “escape” (a \ slash) in front of it. It didn’t happen in your later post, and it’s not all Windows OSes.
Hi @charles_beebe, I have only interfaced with this platform using my desktop PC. Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, latest Chrome.