
  • posted an update May 29, 2017 @ 8:49 am

    (When the line between Religion and Science blurs)

    Ever notice how some ideas, whether they are quotes, philosophies, laws in science or whatever, just seem to stick with you. Over the years, many quotes from the Bible kept coming back to me, almost challenging me to put them in a larger context. Since I had a science and math background, ideas began to get jumbled together. That’s when I began to notice some similarities between spirituality and science/math. Then the two worlds collided!

    If GOD is the alpha and the omega and because we were created in the image and likeness of God, to understand GOD is to understand ourselves. And according to famous sources “the truth will set you free”.

    Let’s step into the Bible and look at it from a different perspective. Let’s start with GOD. The descriptions of GOD abound as a perfect, infinite Being. OK, so maybe we shouldn’t think of GOD as looking like us. We may look good, but infinite, I don’t think so, and perfect, let’s not go there. But what is interesting is when John says that GOD is Light (1 John 1:5) and GOD is Love (1 John 4:8). Why does this look like the beginning? Because Light and Love are energy and energy could be infinite and eternal. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. In essence, energy exists. And recently we became aware of a formula that helps us bring science and religion closer. Remember E = M C²? Einstein was saying that energy is matter traveling at the speed of light squared. There in that one formula we have energy, matter and light. We are matter and GOD just could be Energy. It’s a start.

    In searching for the smallest element of matter, physicists keep finding energy. Could the most basic element of matter be energy? (Alpha?) If energy is slowed down enough, could if become matter? Could energy be the soul of everything, the essence? Why is that important? Because we have a decent understanding of energy and when we begin to look at the old world in a new light (I couldn’t help the pun) it begins to make sense.
    It also is extremely important because according to Gen 1:27, “God created man in His Image.” If we are Light and Love it begins to make sense why Jesus would advocate a life of love. If we were to live a life of love, would we not be in harmony with GOD? And harmony is energy traveling at the same or compatible wavelengths. Could a life of light and love put our energy at a level where we could begin to see heaven on earth?

    In the beginning there was GOD, just GOD. And GOD created the universe and everything within it. When GOD was ready to start building the universe, did GOD go down to the local hardware store and pick up the necessary supplies? Of course not. The local hardware store was created on the 8th day just after man began breaking stuff. If GOD was alone in the beginning, then the only thing GOD had to use as the building blocks of the universe was GOD. (E = M C²). If GOD is light and energy is matter traveling at the speed of light squared, then if GOD were to slow down, the very energy that existed in the beginning became the matter that formed the universe! GOD is the substance of the universe! GOD is everything and everywhere! In a very literal sense all ground is holy ground. The very energy that sustains the universe and permeates the universe is GOD. In Exodus 3:14 GOD said “I AM, THAT I AM.” And in Revelations 1:8 GOD said “I AM THE ALPHA AND OMEGA.” Now I understand why. GOD is. It is becoming clear why we should respect all life and all that exists. Could it also explain why GOD said “the kingdom of GOD is within you”? When you dig deeper and deeper you will eventually get to the spark of light that is a part of GOD.

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