I decided to start narrating chapters of my book, The Forever All: A Philosophical and Spiritual Guide, where I discuss my views on pantheism, so I can eventually create an audiobook version. This video clip is me narrating chapter 1: Defining The All – A Brief Introduction. Enjoy!
To learn more about me and my philosophical views, please visit my other sites:
My Book: Here you can review my book, The Forever All: A Philosophical and Spiritual Guide, and read several excerpts and chapters for free with the option of buying if you wish to read more. https://guyusart.com/my-book
My Philosophical, Scientific, and Political Views: Feel free to visit my blog The Eye of Guyus on WordPress, where I provide many of my essays and excerpts from my writings at https://guyus.wordpress.com
My Art: I will create custom art for you or paint or draw a portrait of you, your loved ones, or of your adorable pets using your own photo(s) for a good price. To view samples of my artwork, please visit my site https://www.guyusart.com
My Instagram site: https://www.instagram.com/guyusart
My Facebook Page, Panmeism: https://www.facebook.com/panmeism
My Facebook Page, The United Citizens of the World: https://www.facebook.com/TheUnitedCitizensoftheWorld.Guyus
#pantheism #allisgod #godistheuniverse #theinfiniteuniverse #theuniverseisgod
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