While the nature and meaning of our human existence here on this plane may remain mysterious, and our brains may have grown too big for our biological britches...I'm pretty sure of this one thing: we are here to help each other through this life, such as it is, and such as it has the potential to be. The first step to enlightnment is to realize and accept the fact that we don't (and probably can't) know "why" we are right here, right now...and that is OK. It's OK not to know everything. It better be, because you don't . I don't, either, but I have decided to acknowledge, accept and assimilate this fact. No one gets to tell anyone else how to be or who to love or what to believe, unless their greatest aspiration is to be the biggest bully and deepest hypocrite on the playground. Everyone hates that kid, and no one aspires to be that kid, ever. My views and beliefs in this arena are so subjective, so personal and private as to be totally inappropriate in any polite dinner conversation. Leave it, and follow the only rule anyone needs: "Don't be an asshole." Just because you have one, doesn't mean you gotta be one.
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