Guyus Seralius of The Universe posted an update in the Beta Testing group
Beta Testing – TEXT CHANGES December 22, 2016 @ 1:15 pm
The only possible suggestions I would give at the moment is changing some of the main menu labels and/or their order, such as changing ‘INFO’ to something warmer and inviting like ‘HOME’ or “WELCOME’ or ‘About Us,’ placing ‘NEWS’ to the far right at the end or second to last, changing ‘VIEWS’ to ‘POSTS’ or ‘FEED’ or ‘TIMELINE’ (‘VIEWS’ confused me…[Read more]
Charles Beebe of Los Angeles posted an update in the Beta Testing group
Beta Testing – TEXT CHANGES December 21, 2016 @ 3:37 pm
Google NewsComprehensive, up-to-date news coverage, aggregated from sources all over the world by Google News.- Charles Beebe replied
Charles Beebe of Los Angeles posted an update in the Beta Testing group
Beta Testing – TEXT CHANGES December 21, 2016 @ 3:33 pm
Test link from iPad
Imagine One Wisdom Religion | Theosophy WatchTHERE was, during the youth of mankind, one language, one knowledge, one universal religion. There were no churches, no creeds or sects, but every man was a priest unto himself. No… -
of created the international Beta Testing group
Beta Testing – TEXT CHANGES October 3, 2016 @ 11:50 pm
We started out calling the tabs:
What’s Pantheism | News | Perspectives | Community
Then, we tried to simplify and make them shorter words. But you make great points, maybe we’ll do a poll of a few of us and try to get it better