I should first explain that I base all my views on what the universe has taught me so far, on all that I have learned from classrooms, books, magazines, television, family and friends, along with all my own personal life experiences and many hours of deep contemplation. For instance, the scientific discovery that matter and energy cannot be created nor destroyed has helped me conclude that the universe has always existed and always will. I have a huge amount of respect and appreciation for science and the scientific method and believe it is one of the best approaches to predicting and understanding the world. However, I also have a huge amount of respect and appreciation for philosophical thought which aims to be rooted in logic and reason and can help us to responsibly leap beyond the scientific data so as not to become lost in the numbers and the details. I hope to share all my philosophical discoveries with others, so they may see it as I see it. The universe is a remarkable, awesome thing! _______________________________________________________________________________________ My views can best be described as a branch or subset of pantheism; the view that the entire universe is God or that which is the constant causation of our existence. It is also a form of dialectic or dualistic monism, which is the view that all of reality is ultimately a unified whole but must express itself in dualistic terms (often depicted by the Yin-Yang symbol) like two sides of the same coin. My views have often been compared to those of Buddha, Marcus Aurelius, Giordano Bruno, Baruch Spinoza, Ralph Waldo Emmerson, Alan Watts, and Eckhart Tolle. Growing up, I was greatly influenced, in passing, by Eastern philosophy and became interested in many of the classic Greek philosophers. So some of my views are similar, but not limited to, Plato’s Ideal Forms, Emmerson’s law of compensation, the scientific law of conservation, and Eastern views like the law of attraction, reincarnation, karma, and Buddha’s middle way. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 'Panmeism' is a word I created to express my own personal tailored views of pantheism. The term literally means ‘all me’ or all is me. At its core, it expresses the view that each can view him or herself to be the entire universe, an infinite system of positive and negative forces that has always existed and always will, because it requires the whole universe in order to exist (in order for anything to exist), and because it is all, ultimately, connected into a single concert. You are the summation of all things, you are that single cosmic concert. Nothing can exist outside the All, nor be independent of it. All things are ultimately interconnected, all is one, and the universe, overall, is ultimately balanced. ________________________________________________________________________________________ I am under the impression that the universe is an infinite system, which has always existed and always will, and that each of us can consider him or herself to be at the apex of that infinite and forever system. I believe this infinite and forever system, which I often call “The Forever All,” is required in order for any of us to exist. ________________________________________________________________________________________ I strongly believe there is a profound meaning and purpose to it all and an inherent goodness, which can never be destroyed. Unfortunately, I believe there is also an inherent darkness, which too can never be destroyed. There can’t be one without the other. But, ultimately, these two forces remain conserved and balanced. ________________________________________________________________________________________ I’ve come to realize that neither science nor religion, independent of the other, can provide a satisfactory explanation to our existence and the existence of the world. I believe ultimate truth will arise only when the scientific thinkers join hands with the spiritual thinkers. Yes, the world can be viewed as a mechanical thing, but at the same time, it is an awesome, divine thing, which ultimately goes beyond full understanding. ________________________________________________________________________________________ I understand that many of my fellow pantheists may not share this view of the self as the universe or that the universe is eternal, that it has always existed and always will. This is to be expected and respected, for we pantheists have a wide range of views that may often vary under the broad umbrella term of pantheism, so no hard feelings if you don't share in my personal version of pantheism, which I call panmeism. You are still my fellow pantheists! ________________________________________________________________________________________ I also believe we have reached a critical point in our history when the ideal society can be truly realized if we can all just learn to work together. Now is the time to permanently throw out the out-dated idea “It’s every man for himself,” and instead adopt the much more compassionate slogan, “All for one and one for all.” Therefore, I invite all thinkers, spiritual and/or scientific to read my essays here at pantheism.com and to eventually visit my personal blog site at guyus.wordpress.com along with view some of my pantheistic YouTube videos at www.youtube.com/guyusseralius _______________________________________________________________________________________ Also check out my Facebook at www.facebook.com/guyus.seralius (and feel free to send me a Friend Request) as well as my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/panmeism _______________________________________________________________________________________ Enjoy! ________________________________________________________________________________________ Guyus Seralius
Admin posted an update in the group Dog Lovers January 18, 2016 @ 11:20 am
Just saying Hi to all Dog Lovers!
of The Universe created the international Outdoor Activities group Dog Lovers December 24, 2015 @ 9:35 am
- Charles Beebe replied
posted an update November 25, 2015 @ 2:38 pm
- Charles Beebe replied
posted an update October 1, 2015 @ 1:48 pm
Now I have a friend!
posted an update October 1, 2015 @ 1:38 pm
i have no friends :/
Perry Rod posted an update in the group Environmental Action September 3, 2015 @ 3:29 pm
Comment on ideas for Events
- Perry Rod replied
- Charles Beebe replied
- Charles Beebe replied
- Charles Beebe replied
of The Universe created the international Environmental Action group Ocean Patrol September 3, 2015 @ 3:28 pm
- Charles Beebe replied
posted an update September 1, 2015 @ 10:23 am
I just became a friend with Sam PaganAdmin! How about that!
Commenting seems to work fine from within the Group pages, but not from the tagged group pages (the “collection of groups” pages)
OK, even weirder. The above comment was made on the Dog Lover Group page. Then I came back to the Environmentalism page and tried to reply to the comment. Clicking ‘Reply’ refreshed the screen, but did NOT open a comment box. However, clicking on ‘Comment’ (from the original entry, above this grey box) DID open a ‘Reply’ box. It refreshed the…[Read more]
That IS interesting!