Anna Lowell of McCall posted an update in the Books & Reading group
Pantheism Book Club January 2, 2017 @ 7:06 pm
Im currently beginning to read ‘Belief Without Borders’ by Mercadante. A book about the ‘spiritual but not religious’. Pretty objective considering it’s written by a christian (although a spritual wanderer at heart).
Well, here’s a comment. I couldn’t find a “reply” button, so hopefully this meets what you are looking for
Hi @ellisd and @anna_lowell! Right now, you “Comment” on an original post (1st level response to a post) and “Reply” to the Comments (2nd and lower level responses). The wording may change, but at this point, you did it as ‘correctly’ as it gets! 🙂
@charles_beebe…practicing 🙂 also, Mark and I were noting that once a ‘comment’ notification shows up in the top right, you can click on it and view them, but after you click on them then your list of notifications goes away. So i just had to navigate back to this page to make this comment. When i just went to send you a personal email, i couldnt pull any names up in the receipient line. Mike and I also toyed around with the idea that a place for a short bio on people’s page would be nice. That’s it for now from the computer challenged beta tester.
Hi Anna, you can actually get back to your old notifications, it’s just obscured. Basically, the notification marker goes away after you have read the message, but if you hover over the space to the right of the messages icon in the upper right, it will say “No new notifications.” If you click those words, it takes you to your notifications center, both read and unread. All your old notifications are under “read”. I was asked to remove any marker if there was no new notification, but it might be better to return the old “zero” marker and change “No new notifications” to “See previously read notifications”.