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As I said, Earth is our God and everything we see in our galaxy is from Earth including all the planets which I believe may each represent a layer of our Earth such as the crust, mantle, and possible oceans we have not discovered yet.but We can always look at the planets in our solarmore »


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The answer can’t be that complicated. Our souls return to the Earth’s core because that is all thats left after our bodies have gotten to weak from the constant rotation of the Earth, thus when there’s no more gravity in existence, space and the universe collapses and something new is formed. Gravity is the mainmore »


Examining Causality of the “Infodemic”

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Scientists around the world are cringing, calling the unprecedented tidal wave of misinformation surrounding the COVID 19 virus an “infodemic.” Let’s face it. Humans are bad at spotting fake information and spread it willingly without identifying and vetting sources for accuracy. Misinformation affects everyone and can be dangerous. Today, COVID 19 inspires a cacophony ofmore »


What is “Biopantheism”?

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“Biopantheism” is a Nature-based, Life-centered, ethics-driven, biologically-focused, codification of Pantheism, with a comprehensive ontology that includes a speculative, Pandeistic explanation for the origins of the Universe and a practical, real-world application that involves communion with Nature, ecological awareness, sustainable living, environmentalism, wildlife conservation, animal rights and holistic health. A unique doctrine, that places its emphasismore »

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Pantheism – The Forever All – Audiobook – Ch4: The Physical vs The Non-Physical

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This is chapter 4 of my audiobook The Forever All: A philosophical and Spiritual Guide titled, The Physical vs The Non-Physical. I discuss and explain my views on pantheism and how the entire universe is made up of the physical and the non-physical. I believe everything in the universe is a combination of something andmore »

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Pantheism – The Forever All – Audiobook – Ch3: The Positive vs The Negative – The Yin and The Yang

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This is chapter 3 of my audiobook The Forever All: A philosophical and Spiritual Guide titled, The Positive vs The Negative – The Yin and The Yang. I discuss and explain my views on pantheism and how the entire universe is comprised of two primary fundamental forces, the positive and the negative. I explain howmore »

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Pantheism – The Forever All – Audiobook – Ch2: You are the All

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This is chapter 2 of my audiobook The Forever All: A philosophical and Spiritual Guide titled, You are the All. I discuss and explain my views on pantheism and how everything requires the All in order to exist, how nothing could exist without the entire infinite universe, and therefore, how you are the universe. Tomore »

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Pantheism – The Forever All – Audiobook – Ch1: Defining The All – A Brief Introduction

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I decided to start narrating chapters of my book, The Forever All: A Philosophical and Spiritual Guide, where I discuss my views on pantheism, so I can eventually create an audiobook version. This video clip is me narrating chapter 1: Defining The All – A Brief Introduction. Enjoy! To learn more about me and mymore »

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Do I Believe in Reincarnation and an Afterlife?

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As a pantheist, people often ask me whether or not I believe in reincarnation, which usually refers to the rebirth of a soul in a new body after death. For the most part, the answers is, yes. But it really depends on what is truly meant by ‘reincarnation’ or how one may personally define themore »

Faith, Mindfulness, and Chaos

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As an Agnostic Pantheist, I feel it is important to define what I mean by Faith, and its hypothetical perfection. First and foremost, the “Perfection Of Faith” is a very tangible and concrete goal for me. It is a goal that outweighs the vague and ephemeral notion of happiness, although for the sake of simplicitymore »

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