of Portland, Oregon posted an update in the Schools of Pantheism group
Omnideism September 28, 2019 @ 11:06 pm
of Portland, Oregon posted an update in the Schools of Pantheism group
Omnideism September 28, 2019 @ 11:05 pm
of Portland, Oregon posted an update in the Schools of Pantheism group
Omnideism September 28, 2019 @ 11:05 pm
wrote a new post, Universal Pantheist Society Founder Explains Why He Incorporated as a Church December 8, 2018 @ 1:00 pm
In a highly detailed article released in the Universal Pantheist Society’s (UPS) Pantheist Vision Winter Edition newsletter, Harold Wood the founder of the organization revealed why he controversially chose to […]
of Los Angeles, CA posted an update in the Schools of Pantheism group
Pantheist Vision December 5, 2018 @ 5:27 pm
Why We Incorporated as a Church
by Harold Wood
Pantheist discussion boards on the Internet these days are rife with debates about whether Pantheism can be considered a “religion” or just a “philosophy,” with vigorous arguments by both proponents and opponents.
Observing these debates, I often find that opponents to the idea that Panthei…[Read more] -
of Los Angeles, CA posted an update in the Schools of Pantheism group
Pantheist Vision December 5, 2018 @ 5:25 pm
uploaded new file(s): winter-2018-vol.-35-no.-4-pantheist-vision.pdf to Pantheist Vision
of Nevada City, California created the international Schools of Pantheism group
Pantheist Vision December 5, 2018 @ 5:14 pm
wrote a new post, UPDATE: Arizona Senate Candidate Kyrsten Sinema Wins Senate Seat November 8, 2018 @ 4:30 pm
Arizona’s Kirsten Sinema, the first American House of Representatives member to have ever described her religion as “None”, has won the election for the crucial race for Arizona’s Senator.
Arizona is […]
wrote a new post, Arizona Top School Official Wants to Remove Evolution from State Curriculum May 28, 2018 @ 11:27 am
Arizona’s Superintendent of Public Instruction Diane Douglas wants to remove evolution references that are being taught in Arizona high schools. When evolution is mentioned, she wants teachers to emphasize that it […]
wrote a new post, Near MAJORITY of 18-24 Year Old American Females Unsure if Earth is Round April 8, 2018 @ 12:48 pm
A new poll heard round the world (or on a flat world) released on April 2nd by YouGov asked 8,215 United States adults about their theories about whether or not the Earth is round or flat.
The results may […]
wrote a new post, Texas Politician Trolls Stephen Hawking in Condolence Message to His Family March 17, 2018 @ 11:07 am
Briscoe Cain, a Republican member of the Texas House of Representatives, had this condolence message on Twitter for the family of Stephen Hawking: “Stephen Hawking now knows the truth about how the universe was […]
wrote a new post, Fundamentalist Christians Lash Out as Numbers Dwindle March 2, 2018 @ 6:13 pm
Recent comments made by Christian conservatives appear to blame non-believers for everything from school shootings to the downfall of civilization. As younger Americans increasingly identify as “post-Christian”, […]
- Ian Brett Cooper replied
wrote a new post, Pearlman Mountain Cabin Fundraiser in Idyllwild, California February 22, 2018 @ 12:36 pm
About an hour east of of Riverside, California is the small town of Idyllwild, California. There, amongst the trees, twisting roads and the mountains is a place called The Pearlman Mountain Cabin which was d […]
United States President Donald Trump and Louisiana congressman Steve Scalise spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday morning, emphasizing their support for the merger of religion and politics. Last […]
wrote a new post, Ministry Groups Panic: “Post-Christian” Generation on the Rise February 6, 2018 @ 5:39 pm
There is a buzzword in the Christian community: “Post-Christian” is the new description for trends in America. Christian leaders are encouraging each other to face the new reality or continue on the path of […]
- Connie Cuellar replied
of Calabasas, CA posted an update in the Schools of Pantheism group
Scientific Pantheism January 20, 2018 @ 7:10 pm
Sam, I can see nothing scientific in the video and philosophy you described.
It is an example of non-scientific pantheism. Here\’s more about it from the website: -
wrote a new post, Conservative Publication Decries ‘Madness’ of Pantheism January 9, 2018 @ 11:12 am
In a new piece, conservative writer Selwyn Duke of the New American claims that Oprah Winfrey is engaged in the “madness” of pantheism. The New American is a print magazine owned by a far-right organization, the […]
wrote a new post, President of the United States Denies Science of Climate Change December 29, 2017 @ 10:40 am
It is not the first time Donald Trump has taken to Twitter to deny climate science.
In 2012, he blamed the Chinese for creating the, “concept of global warming…to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive. In […]
of 91302 posted an update in the Schools of Pantheism group
Agnostic Pantheism December 20, 2017 @ 5:36 pm
Agnostic means anything from “I am pretty sure there is no creator God but I cannot 100% prove that” (and in that sense Dawkins calls himself an agnostic).
To “I am going to live as if there is a creator God but I am not 100% sure there is one.”
Calling oneself an agnostic pantheist would mean that you are (say) 99% pantheist but not…[Read more] -
wrote a new post, Long Before the Christmas Tree Was the Evergreen Yule Tree December 19, 2017 @ 2:25 pm
The American Christmas Tree Association claims that 81% of American “Christmas trees” are artificial.
That’s a long way from where this tradition comes from.
Germanic pagans brought live Evergreen trees into […]
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