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The Myth of Ego

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The ego is nothing more than a self-aware organism’s experience of itself. That’s it. It isn’t a “thing” and it isn’t really synonymous with anything that can be called a thing –certainly not your organism itself, unless you are constantly aware that you are growing hair and pumping blood and doing billions of other activities.more »


Death, afterlife, before life? What’s the difference?

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A long post I wrote in a debate about consciousness, life, death and the afterlife.  Posted here for posterity.  Read it if you wish: —————————————————————————– I don’t fear death any more than I feared birth. What’s to fear? Dying painfully, maybe. But even under the worst conditions that is still a brief segment of time,more »


Finding my religion…

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I originally wrote this in response to seeing this quote by Thomas Merton posted in group I belong to. I had commented earlier, to effect, that five years wasn’t enough for me. I decided to elaborate in a later comment and what follows is that comment, edited slightly for context: Thirty years ago I wasmore »


The Vested Interest in Embracing Traditional Theism

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Monotheism, Trinity theism and polytheism cast humanity as childlike, with a Heavenly Father, Mother, or Group of Gods periodically observing our actions. As God’s children, we are prone to making mistakes. This view of humanity as permanently immature suggests we are incapable of addressing our own problems, and must rely on a Cosmic Parent tomore »

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