of Nevada City, California posted an update in the Schools of Pantheism group
Pantheist Spirituality February 21, 2020 @ 2:22 pm
posted an update February 21, 2020 @ 2:15 pm
- kevan hubbard replied
wrote a new post, Universal Pantheist Society Founder Explains Why He Incorporated as a Church December 8, 2018 @ 1:00 pm
In a highly detailed article released in the Universal Pantheist Society’s (UPS) Pantheist Vision Winter Edition newsletter, Harold Wood the founder of the organization revealed why he controversially chose to […]
of Los Angeles, CA posted an update in the Schools of Pantheism group
Pantheist Vision December 5, 2018 @ 5:27 pm
Why We Incorporated as a Church
by Harold Wood
Pantheist discussion boards on the Internet these days are rife with debates about whether Pantheism can be considered a “religion” or just a “philosophy,” with vigorous arguments by both proponents and opponents.
Observing these debates, I often find that opponents to the idea that Panthei…[Read more] -
of Los Angeles, CA posted an update in the Schools of Pantheism group
Pantheist Vision December 5, 2018 @ 5:25 pm
uploaded new file(s): winter-2018-vol.-35-no.-4-pantheist-vision.pdf to Pantheist Vision
of McCall, Idaho created the international Schools of Pantheism group
Pantheist Vision December 5, 2018 @ 5:14 pm
wrote a new post, UPDATE: Arizona Senate Candidate Kyrsten Sinema Wins Senate Seat November 8, 2018 @ 4:30 pm
Arizona’s Kirsten Sinema, the first American House of Representatives member to have ever described her religion as “None”, has won the election for the crucial race for Arizona’s Senator.
Arizona is […]
wrote a new post, Arizona Top School Official Wants to Remove Evolution from State Curriculum May 28, 2018 @ 11:27 am
Arizona’s Superintendent of Public Instruction Diane Douglas wants to remove evolution references that are being taught in Arizona high schools. When evolution is mentioned, she wants teachers to emphasize that it […]
wrote a new post, Near MAJORITY of 18-24 Year Old American Females Unsure if Earth is Round April 8, 2018 @ 12:48 pm
A new poll heard round the world (or on a flat world) released on April 2nd by YouGov asked 8,215 United States adults about their theories about whether or not the Earth is round or flat.
The results may […]
wrote a new post, Texas Politician Trolls Stephen Hawking in Condolence Message to His Family March 17, 2018 @ 11:07 am
Briscoe Cain, a Republican member of the Texas House of Representatives, had this condolence message on Twitter for the family of Stephen Hawking: “Stephen Hawking now knows the truth about how the universe was […]
wrote a new post, Fundamentalist Christians Lash Out as Numbers Dwindle March 2, 2018 @ 6:13 pm
Recent comments made by Christian conservatives appear to blame non-believers for everything from school shootings to the downfall of civilization. As younger Americans increasingly identify as “post-Christian”, […]
- Ian Brett Cooper replied
wrote a new post, Pearlman Mountain Cabin Fundraiser in Idyllwild, California February 22, 2018 @ 12:36 pm
About an hour east of of Riverside, California is the small town of Idyllwild, California. There, amongst the trees, twisting roads and the mountains is a place called The Pearlman Mountain Cabin which was d […]
United States President Donald Trump and Louisiana congressman Steve Scalise spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday morning, emphasizing their support for the merger of religion and politics. Last […]
wrote a new post, The Illusionist February 6, 2018 @ 9:38 pm
We need God to exist
because we do not recognize Existence itself.
We need a name for the Nameless,
a form for the Formless,
or we lose track of the fact that everything is nameless and formless.
To […]
- Jon Hoskins replied
wrote a new post, Ministry Groups Panic: “Post-Christian” Generation on the Rise February 6, 2018 @ 5:39 pm
There is a buzzword in the Christian community: “Post-Christian” is the new description for trends in America. Christian leaders are encouraging each other to face the new reality or continue on the path of […]
- Connie Cuellar replied
of Ocean Shores, Washington posted an update in the Philosophical Discussions group
Science 1 February 6, 2018 @ 10:41 am
of McCall, Idaho created the international Philosophical Discussions group
Science 1 February 6, 2018 @ 10:39 am
posted an update February 6, 2018 @ 8:46 am
wrote a new post, The Internet May Be Killing Religion, Suggests Sociologist January 25, 2018 @ 7:31 pm
A new study published in the “Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion” claims that the internet is making more people become religiously unaffiliated.
Sociologist Paul McClure at Baylor […]
- Connie Cuellar replied
wrote a new post, Conservative Publication Decries ‘Madness’ of Pantheism January 9, 2018 @ 11:12 am
In a new piece, conservative writer Selwyn Duke of the New American claims that Oprah Winfrey is engaged in the “madness” of pantheism. The New American is a print magazine owned by a far-right organization, the […]
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