wrote a new post, President of the United States Denies Science of Climate Change December 29, 2017 @ 10:40 am
It is not the first time Donald Trump has taken to Twitter to deny climate science.
In 2012, he blamed the Chinese for creating the, “concept of global warming…to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive. In […]
of 91302 posted an update in the Schools of Pantheism group
Agnostic Pantheism December 20, 2017 @ 5:36 pm
Agnostic means anything from “I am pretty sure there is no creator God but I cannot 100% prove that” (and in that sense Dawkins calls himself an agnostic).
To “I am going to live as if there is a creator God but I am not 100% sure there is one.”
Calling oneself an agnostic pantheist would mean that you are (say) 99% pantheist but not absolutely…[Read more] -
wrote a new post, Long Before the Christmas Tree Was the Evergreen Yule Tree December 19, 2017 @ 2:25 pm
The American Christmas Tree Association claims that 81% of American “Christmas trees” are artificial.
That’s a long way from where this tradition comes from.
Germanic pagans brought live Evergreen trees into […]
Bestselling religious studies author and television personality Reza Aslan has written a new book, “God: A Human History”. In it, he promotes an untraditional pantheistic view of God where creation and creator are […]
wrote a new post, Pantheism = Applied Non-Duality September 18, 2017 @ 7:13 pm
There is something so incredibly simple about pantheism that we are making way too complicated.
The conceptualization of our sensory perception is based on the principle of duality –the creation of conceptual d […]
- Connie Cuellar replied
- Jon Hoskins replied
wrote a new post, The Dual Overview Effect of Pantheism August 21, 2017 @ 9:54 am
In April 2017, a collective of space enthusiasts and provocateurs calling themselves the Autonomous Space Agency Network (ASAN) launched a weather balloon with a camera and a message for the current president of […]
wrote a new post, Former Dean of Yale Law School Writes About His Modern Form of Pantheism August 19, 2017 @ 10:00 am
The former Dean of Yale Law School, Anthony Kronman, has written a 1,176 page book entitled, “Confessions of a Born-Again Pagan,” describing his own personal philosophy. Kronman is a professor and received both […]
wrote a new post, Comedian Jim Carrey Declares, “Everything is God. Everything is Divine” August 4, 2017 @ 11:12 am
In a new video posted online, Comedian Jim Carrey preached to a gang rehabilitation group led by Jesuit Gregory Boyle and stated,
“They talk about omnipresence in church and nobody really thinks about what that m […] -
wrote a new post, Singer Kesha Declares Her God is Nature July 12, 2017 @ 12:25 am
American singer and songwriter Kesha (Kesha Rose Sebert) is releasing her first single in almost four years, “Prayer,” a spiritual themed song she says is about, “learning to let go and realize that the universe […]
of Los Angeles, CA created the international Schools of Pantheism group
Pantheist Spirituality July 11, 2017 @ 10:46 am
wrote a new post, Frank Lloyd Wright’s Unity Temple Reopens June 30, 2017 @ 7:10 pm
The Unitarian Universalist Church Congregation of Oak Park, Illinois has announced that after two years of renovations, it is re-opening Frank Lloyd Wright’s famous Unity Temple. Some consider the building to be […]
wrote a new post, Did Nat Geo’s Albert Einstein Biopic Series ‘Genius’ Falsely Suggest Einstein Was a Traditional Theist? June 15, 2017 @ 1:11 am
National Geographic’s biopic series “Genius” about the life of Albert Einstein is receiving positive feedback, according to user reviews from the movie database, IMDB. However, the latest episode, the eighth in a […]
- Reginald replied
- Reginald replied
wrote a new post, Will Deism and Pantheism Make a Comeback in United States Presidential Politics? April 16, 2017 @ 6:22 pm
The vast majority of historical United States Presidents have been “God fearing” theists. But it didn’t necessarily start out that way.
In the late 18th Century the United States founding fathers sought to e […]
wrote a new post, Do Pantheists Have Souls? April 9, 2017 @ 8:49 am
I have always admired C.S. Lewis with the respect due to a loyal opponent. He certainly wasn’t a mystic Christian, but he was no mindless fundamentalist. Although an apologist for a state religion I cannot c […]
“Welcome to the group, Ethan Picon,” said Will Toase of the Universal Pantheist Society’s Facebook group in June 2015. It was one of many pantheism related communities Picon joined in 2015. Still in his teens […]
wrote a new post, Faith and Fear February 21, 2017 @ 6:35 am
“To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.” —Thomas Aquinas
“Faith means not wanting to know what is true.” —Friedrich Nie […]
- Jon Hoskins replied
Waldo Noesta of Punta Gorda, Florida posted an update in the Writing & Poetry group
United Writers February 4, 2017 @ 7:43 pm
Hey folks, my revamped website is back up and running in full. Read articles, essays, and poetry pertaining to Pantheism and other elements of “spirituality for the Next Age” at Not Two
Waldo Noesta of Punta Gorda, Florida posted an update in the Books & Reading group
Pantheism Book Club February 4, 2017 @ 7:40 pm
Hey folks, my revamped website is back up and running in full. Read articles, essays, and poetry pertaining to Pantheism and other elements of “global spirituality for the Next Age” at Not Two
- Charles Beebe replied
posted an update January 26, 2017 @ 9:38 pm
Testing post
wrote a new post, Spiderman Star Andrew Garfield Calls Himself Agnostic Pantheist January 24, 2017 @ 5:03 pm
On The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, American-British actor Andrew Garfield explained to Stephen Colbert that he is, “kind of an agnostic pantheist.” Colbert did not know what that meant and asked, “pantheists, […]
- Anna de Omnia replied
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